Lose Belly Fat By Walking On Treadmill India

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Lose Belly Fat By Walking On Treadmill India | Check the Best Treadmill For Home Use India

How To Lose Belly Fat By Walking On Treadmill India?

Lose Belly Fat By Walking On Treadmill India

Treadmill is one of the best cardio exercises to lose belly fat at home. Apart from losing belly fat, it can also improve your fitness and make your overall body energetic and fit. If you want to lose weight in a short period, you have to follow some essential steps and ways. But the question is how to lose weight on a treadmill in 2 weeks?

Two weeks is a concise time to lose belly fat but you can follow the simple and easy criteria to 2 weeks to eliminate belly fat while using a treadmill. We are here to guide you on how to use the treadmill properly and will you an amazing running plan to lose weight quickly and achieve your fitness goals. Also, we will provide you with the best diet plan and 30-minute fat-burning treadmill workout. So, let’s start the topic of how to Lose Belly Fat By Walking On Treadmill India.

Can You Lose Belly Fat By Walking On Treadmill India?

The simple answer is YES. You can burn many calories by running for only 30-40 minutes every day. Consistency is very important for losing weight. It’s very easy to lose weight on a treadmill if you follow a proper running plan and a good diet plan you can lose maximum belly fat on a treadmill in 2 weeks.  But we know that you don’t know how to do that. We will provide you treadmill weight loss plan for beginners. So, read the whole article so that you don’t miss any important steps and will know the exact way to Lose Belly Fat By Walking On Treadmill India 2023.

How many Pounds Will you burn in 2 Weeks on a treadmill?

If you weigh 150 pounds, moderate treadmill walking at 3.5 mph burns roughly 258 calories per hour. An hour of treadmill running at 6mph (a 10-minute mile pace) will burn about 650-700 calories. So, to burn more calories in lesser time you have to run at a higher speed of about 6mph per hour every day for 2 weeks. If you run for more than 1 hour a day, you can burn 1000 calories per day and in weeks you will burn up to 15000 calories which is very good.

Losing weight more efficiently and effectively by eating a nutritious diet rich in vitamins, minerals, high protein, and good fats is a much more effective and beneficial strategy. A healthier diet is also very important for losing weight.

Important Steps To Lose Belly Fat By Walking On Treadmill India

  • Set Goals for Weight Loss

Setting realistic goals and having a target weight is crucial before you begin using a treadmill to lose weight. In this manner, if you fall short of your weight loss goal, you won’t lose motivation. Remember that it’s possible that you won’t lose all the weight you desire in 2 weeks, but there is no reason why you can’t continue working out after that point.

Always remember that your first priority is losing weight. This indicates that you need to reduce the number of sweets, fats, etc. in your diet. Exercising on a treadmill won’t make much of a difference if you keep eating bad meals.

  • Warm-up Session

Start your running Session with a warmup for about 3-5 minutes of easy walking. You’re not exerting too much effort here. Only getting your legs more flexible can help you run more effectively. Despite common opinions, you do not need to warm up on the treadmill by stretching.

Begin up slowly and increase your speed until you are jogging at your main exercise speed. Before the primary run, Always, prefer to begin warm-up on a level surface or with 0% slope and gradually add more inclination to loosen up your hamstrings, hips, and back muscles. Additionally, you may include some stretching exercises in your warm-up.

  • High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

There is a method called high-intensity interval training, or HIIT, to reduce immense weight. During the HIIT workout, you aim to occasionally exceed your highest heart rate.

Workout at a high intensity is meant to challenge us to work hard for brief periods.

Throughout the entire procedure, you will burn a lot of calories, and that too quickly.

Your body will immediately go to the usual resting state once it has established a pattern of HIIT. Body fat is mobilized during this process to provide energy to the body.

You’ll be amazed at how speedily you can run if you stick to a HIIT routine. In just working out for a little period, people may achieve a lot.

  • Calculate the Fat-Burning Zone

It is simple to determine your fat-burning zone. Exercising on a treadmill at a heart rate that burns fat will help you lose weight.

Calculate your highest heart rate first if you’re trying to figure out what zone best suits your metabolism. How many times should the heartbeat be counted throughout a minute of exercise?

It is easy to calculate your calories burned by just checking on the website known as Daily Calories Burned Calculator. It measures Weight, Distance, Incline, and Duration.

You can also use a smart band or heart rate sensor for tracking your session.

  • Switch your Workout

Every time you work out, try something new. This may make the entire weight reduction process much more enjoyable. Trying out new, useful workouts will assist you in reaching your fitness objectives.

You can also lower your chance of injury when you switch up your workout program.

The more frequently you perform a certain workout, the less efficient it will be for helping you lose weight.

You should sometimes switch up your workout regimen to prevent boredom from setting in if you stick with the regular old routine.

You may schedule other tasks and workouts for extra days.

  • Incline treadmill workout for fat loss

Treadmills are best known for their Incline Feature, which raises your effort. In most treadmills, the incline treadmill workout for fat loss range is between 0 and 20%, which is very amazing to provide a solid workout and burn tonnes of calories. It’s recommended that you run with an inclination of between 1 to 2 percent to simulate outside running.

Without increasing your pace, you may increase your intensity by using the inclination. This can increase calorie burn or be perfect for HIIT exercises. Your muscles will be worked more as the slope increases. Legs and glutes benefit the most from this in particular.

You may modify your surroundings by using an incline. You may utilize an inclination to change things a little if you become tired of jogging at the same speed on flat terrain. Many people like running on both flat surfaces and uphill surfaces. Running on a level area or an elevation all the time might get boring. This can assist in mixing up the routine.

  • Do Some Recovery Runs

When you first begin running, you might want to utilize the treadmill for recovery runs after lengthy runs or HIIT workouts. In addition to giving your body a chance to heal, this will enable you to become acclimated to jogging without overburdening it.

Getting solid exercise and raising your heart rate may both be accomplished by walking. Still, you can burn a good amount of calories by walking fast. Additionally, it has a mild impact and includes rehabilitation. Without putting additional strain on your legs, you may utilize an elevation to raise your heart rate to the level where fat is burned.

It is advised to begin with a walk or recovery run every third day if you are a beginner.  When your endurance has increased, you may begin to cut down on your recovery runs to only twice weekly or on days when you feel exhausted. They are quite helpful since they still allow you to burn more than 200-250 calories on a recovery day.

  • Add Rest Days

Ignoring the necessity of total relaxation for the body is the quickest path to burnout and a loss of interest in your treadmill exercises. You could believe that running every day is your only option if you want to reduce weight in two weeks. However, your capacity to reduce weight will be hampered if you don’t take one full day off.

The strain that jogging puts on your muscles requires some time for them to heal. So,  it’s crucial to take a weekday off from using the treadmill at the very least. You may engage in various types of exercise on your days off, such as taking a stroll outside.

Overtraining is a serious problem that will soon kill your desire to exercise. Your body is trying to tell you it needs to relax when you feel overworked. Therefore, pay attention to your body’s needs and avoid using the treadmill for at least one day a week.

  • Take Healthy Diet

If you are not consuming nutritious meals, the weight will not decrease even by taking calorie deficit. Your attempts to lose weight will be thwarted by eating processed meals, drinking sugary beverages, and drinking large amounts of alcohol.

For your body to work effectively, you must ensure that you are obtaining all the nutrients it requires. Consuming enough fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats is required. The recommended daily protein intake is 0.5 grams per kilogram of body weight. A daily intake of 90 grams of protein equates to 180 pounds of weight multiplied by 0.55.

Each pound of body weight requires 1.5 grams of carbohydrates. An individual who weighs 180 pounds would require 243g of carbohydrates per day (1.5 x 180 = 243).

The rest of the calories should come from good fats. 30 grams of fiber should be added to your daily diet, and not higher than 40 grams of sugar should be consumed. You should drink about 2/3 liters of plain water every day. When you’re jogging, mix some electrolyte pills into your drink to replenish the salts and electrolytes that you could lose.

Also Read:- 5 Affordable Commercial Treadmill For Gym India 2024

Benefits Beyond Losing Weight

Treadmill has so many other health benefits other than weight loss. It could be beneficial to:

  • Boost your endurance
  • Regulate blood sugar
  • Higher levels of HDL (good) cholesterol
  • Increase mental acuity and clarity
  • To ward against Alzheimer’s
  • Improve skin health
  • Build up the muscles
  • Lessen tiredness
  • Reduction of joint stiffness
  • Alleviate tension and stress
  • Encourage better slumber
  • Increase of energy
  • Bolster your immunity
  • Increase sex arousal

FAQ – Lose Belly Fat By Walking On Treadmill India

1. How much weight can you Lose Belly Fat By Walking On Treadmill India?

– Using a treadmill can help you lose one or two pounds in a week, which means you might drop as many as four or five pounds in two weeks.

2. Using a treadmill for 30 mins a day to walk will I lose weight?

– Yes, belly fat can be reduced by walking for 30 mins on a treadmill. However, this is only one form of exercise that will help you reduce belly fat.

3. How much time on a treadmill should you log each day to burn calories?

– Treadmills are a fantastic way to burn additional calories and reduce weight. Suppose you need to burn 650 calories, which means you must exercise for at least 60 minutes each day.

Conclusion – Lose Belly Fat By Walking On Treadmill India

Treadmill is one of the best aerobic workouts to lose weight quickly. If you follow all the steps we have discussed below, you will definitely achieve your fitness goals in 2 weeks.

There are many best brands of treadmills available in India that you can buy. Hope we have fulfilled your query. So, now it’s time to conclude the topic of how to Lose Belly Fat By Walking On Treadmill India.

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